
Starting school is a very important time in a child’s life.  It is important the transition from ECE, or a former school, is successful.  We are a small and very friendly school and we are only too willing to help.

New Entrant Children

Starting school as a new entrant is an important milestone in a child’s/parents/caregiver’s life and we want to make it a memorable and pleasant experience.

Pre School Visits

After completion of the enrolment, the New Entrant teacher will contact you approximately two to four weeks prior to your child starting, to arrange a series of pre-school visits. The purpose of these visits is to give your child the opportunity to become familiar with class routines and to meet their future classmates and teacher. Usually these visits are once a week for approximately four weeks before the child’s first day. These visits can be for a morning or the whole day depending on how comfortable your child feels. You are most welcome to stay if you wish.

Cohort Entry

At Papanui Primary we have a cohort entry system. This means that a group of new entrant learners start together either at the beginning of the term or half way through the term rather than on various days at any stage throughout the term.

There is much research to support this approach and we see many positive outcomes as a result.

These included..

* A sense of belonging for tamariki, making friendships with kids in the same transition group.

* Support network for parents.

* Less disruptive for current students and their teachers.

Entry points are week 1 and week 6 of each term.

Buddy System

Your child will be made to feel very welcome. They will be buddied up with another child to help them become familiar with class and school routines.


School Uniform

School uniform is compulsory at Papanui Primary School. We expect all parents/caregivers to purchase a uniform for their children.  We ask that all belongings are clearly named.

The school uniform is available to purchase from the School Office or The Warehouse.


All stationery will be provided by the school and charged to families’ accounts.


The Papanui Primary School Board of Trustees operates an enrolment scheme and zone.

There are places for out-of-zone New Entrants available for this year and next.

Register your interest for the Ballot.