School Info A – Z
Everything you need to know about our school from A – Z
Absences or lateness
It is the school’s policy to account for each pupil each day. If your child is going to be absent or late for any reason, please notify the office before 9 am using the:
- HERO app – information to include – Reason for absence or lateness
- If children are leaving during school hours – they must be signed out at the office on the Vistab and their Teacher notified. Please sign them back in if they are returning.
Accidents and sickness at school
If a pupil has an accident or is sick at school, we will try to contact the parent’s caregivers as soon as possible. We ask that you keep contact information up to date at the school office. If your child requires special attention e.g. suffers from asthma, diabetes, allergies, etc please make sure that the school office and the class teacher are aware of this and a medical form completed.
Activities Fee
The school is now a part of the Government’s Donation Scheme and so there will be no activity fees for the most part. This excludes however, school uniform, stationery and contributions towards visiting performers. Out-of-school activities such as touch and basketball remain a cost to parents.
Children need to be safe and happy before they can learn. At Papanui Primary School we have high expectations for children’s behaviour, but we also acknowledge that children are learning and developing so need support and guidance alongside consequences.
The staff manages and influence what happens at school by creating a positive school environment with:
- Social skills teaching
- Professional development for teachers
- Buddies in Whānau time
- Lunchtime activities and sport
Everyone – children, families and staff – has a role in maintaining the school tone.
Our Papanui Promise, which is as follows:
At Papanui Primary School we will all
- Respect others
- Use Stop, Think, Do strategies
- Discuss our problems using Restorative Practice
- Try my best
If you have any concerns or questions, contact your child’s teacher immediately.
Dental Clinic
Children are seen on a regular basis. You can contact the clinic at Ph 352 9186.
The school has opted into the Government’s Donation Scheme. The school is not permitted to solicit donations but is still able to receive donations.
Starting school is a very important time in a child’s life. It is important the transition from ECE, or a former school, is successful. We are a small and very friendly school and we are only too willing to help.
Health Nurse/Mana Ake
Mana Ake provides early intervention and support for teachers, families and whānau when children are experiencing ongoing issues that are impacting their wellbeing.
The Mana Ake service is available to children in OUR SCHOOL through the Tōtaranui Community of Learning. The service is confidential and responsive to parents and families.
If you want to know more or get a referral for your child contact your class teacher.
The Public Health Nursing Service (PHNS) offers support to children, young people and their families across all schools in Canterbury. You can contact the service directly. Our Public Health Nurse is Kirstin and is contactable through
P: 027 512 6357 or 03 3836877 Ext: 99614
Information Technology
Our digital devices are provided by the school to support children’s learning. We have a range of devices in every classroom and these are networked throughout the school.
Each year children are required to sign an Internet Use Agreement.
Our library is a great resource for children and teachers. It is used regularly by classes and is open three lunchtimes.
We encourage children to bring healthy lunches. No lollies or sweets.
We are a WATER ONLY school.
We have a Play then Eat approach. This means at morning tea the children go outside to play for 20 minutes, they then come inside to eat their morning tea at their desks. This routine is repeated for lunchtime when they play for 30 minutes. The benefits have been:
- Calmer re-entry into class and fewer stragglers
- More mindful eating
- Better intake of food therefore better concentration for the next block of learning
- Less rubbish in the playground
Friday Lunches
We offer the chance for you to have a day off from making school lunches on Fridays! Save yourself time in the morning!
Ezlunch is a healthy lunch option available on Fridays. All orders can be accessed through the Kindo School Shop.
Simply log in as usual as a ‘Registered User’ or if you are new to the Kindo School Shop click on ‘New Users’ and set up your account.
Newsletters are produced fortnightly and are on our website. An Alert is sent via the HEROApp when the newest newsletter is available.
Road Safety
We ask that all pupils and parents/caregivers cross the road only at the supervised crossing on Winters Rd. This area is patrolled from 8.30 am to 8.55 am and 3 pm to 3.15 pm. We would like all adults to help reinforce safe road safety skills with children by setting the example.
When collecting or dropping off children we ask that you do not double park as this makes the patrollers’ job harder to see oncoming cars.
No U-turns in front of the school, please.
If children are still waiting for parents and caregivers when the road patrol finishes at 3:15 pm, they should return inside the school grounds and wait at the office.
School Hours
Children should not arrive at school before 8:30 am and should vacate the grounds by 3:15 pm. The school has a play-then-eat sequence, e.g. at the morning break the children go outside to play for 15 minutes, they then come inside to eat their morning tea at their desks. This routine is repeated for lunchtime. The benefits have been calmer re-entry into class and fewer stragglers, more mindful eating, better intake of food therefore better concentration for the next block of learning, less rubbish in the playground.
Our School Day
8:55 am – 10:30am: Learning time (includes a fruit break time)
10:30am – 10:50am: Morning play break
10:50am – 11am: Kai time
11am – 1pm: Learning time
1pm – 1:30pm: Lunchtime
1:30pm – 1:45 pm: Kai time
1:45pm – 3:00pm: Learning time
3:00pm: Home time
Active Supervision in the Playground
Supervision is provided during the morning play break and lunchtime by staff members.
All stationery will be provided by the school and charged to families accounts.
Your child’s Stationery costs can be viewed and paid for by accessing the Kindo School Shop. Simply log in as usual as a ‘Registered User’ or if you are new to the Kindo School Shop click on ‘New Users’ and set up your account using the email that you supplied to the school.
Term Dates
Term 1 2024
Wed 31 January – Friday 12 April
Waitangi Day: Tuesday 6 February
Easter: Friday 29 March – Tuesday 2 April
School Holidays: Saturday 13 April – Sunday 28 April (Includes ANZAC Day)
Term 2 2024
Monday 29 April – Friday 6 July
King’s Birthday: Monday 3 June
Matariki: Friday 28 June
Staff Only Day: 31 May
School Holidays: Saturday 6 July – Sunday 21 July
Term 3 2024
Monday 22 July – Friday 27 September
Staff Only Day: 19 August
School Holidays: Saturday 28 September – Sunday 13 October
Term 4 2024
Monday 14 October – Thursday 19 December
Labour Day: Monday 28 October
Canterbury Show Day: Friday 15 November
Staff Only Day: 14 November
School Holidays Start: Friday 20 December
School uniform is compulsory at Papanui Primary School. We expect all parents/caregivers to purchase a uniform for their child. We ask that all belongings are clearly named.
The school uniform is available to purchase from the School Office or The Warehouse.