Principal’s Welcome
Nau mai Haere mai, welcome to Papanui Primary School.
Firstly I am incredibly proud to be the Principal of such a terrific School!
We are a caring and passionate team who are dedicated to giving our tamariki a fantastic, future-focussed education, filled with challenge, inspiration and fun. We pride ourselves on being inclusive and both bi-culturally and culturally responsive and as well as that our four school values really underpin all that we do.
We are all about growing our tamariki to be kind people (atawhai), and to see themselves as lifelong learners (ākonga).We are focussed on building our kid’s resilience so that they have the tools to face life’s challenges (aumangea) as well as developing the mindset to always strive to achieve their personal best (eke panuku).

I know first hand that building and maintaining relationships is the key to any successful school. I also know that hauora (well being) comes before everything else.The well being of the whole school community is the foundation upon which everything can be built. I am dedicated to working successfully alongside the Board, staff, whānau and wider community to make sure Papanui is a fantastic environment where each individual can flourish!
I have been in education for 20 years and love what I do. I have taught in a range of schools both here in Canterbury and in the UK. On a personal level, I am passionate about science and the environment and always aim to develop in our kids a strong understanding of Kaitiakitanga (looking after our environment). I am married to Ellie and have one son Charlie who is ten years old. They are my rocks! Outside of school my passions are spending time with my awesome family, dusting off my old vinyl collection, getting out in the garden, attempting a bit of running and settling in to watch a great movie with my whānau.
So Kia Ora everyone, and whether you are a part of our wonderful school community already or thinking of coming along to Papanui Primary, please feel free to come and have a chat with me.I will be out and about around school, or welcoming our kids and their whānau at the gate or kea crossing so please come and say hello and I look forward meeting you.
Ngā mihi nui